Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Graduate

Hey everyone!

I haven't been online much because of finals week and senior week (I was partially packed for most of senior week and was kept fairly inebriated by my school... I don't want to see any more wine for a week...), but now all of that is over. I'm home.

I wore enough extra stuff on graduation day to earn the following remarks:
"You look like a Christmas tree."
"You need a little bit of red in there."

I had a feeling I would look like that. Thank goodness I'm not foreign, or I might have been wearing an even more colorful set. In addition to wearable awards, I won an award for "outstanding academic achievement and contribution to furthering International understanding and exchange." Keep in mind, I was just an Asian studies minor... I'm a bit shocked, but honored. They gave me a puzzle box! There is very little I love more than puzzle boxes, although they had no way of knowing that.

Anyway, I received a Kindle 2 as a graduation present, and am infatuated by it. I'm planning to read as much as possible... additionally I'm doing directed reading, teaching a course for the new Regents Exam in Algebra, tutoring, and trying to find a place to live in Davis. I never claimed to be capable of not doing anything...

To all of you finding this blog entry though facebook/twitter, welcome!


  1. Oooh, a kindle? Sweet! You're always so up on technology, Bai!

  2. We were very happy that you got the Asian Studies award :) I'm sorry I wasn't able to be there Saturday morning.

    The puzzle box (himitsu-bako) is from Hakone (not Hikone, where we send our students-- Hakone is a famous onsen town on the coast of the Izu penninsula). So- that kinda box is also called Hakone-mozaiku (mosaic).
